
Northeast Georgia Urological Ambulatory Surgery Center

In November 2008, Northeast Georgia Urological Associates opened a new, state-of-the-art surgical facility to provide you with an alternative the inconvenience or expense of outpatient hospital procedures.  This state licensed facility is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc.

Dr. McHugh has performed thousands of no scalpel vasectomies. In addition, he is one of Georgia’s most experienced urologists performing  microscopic vasectomy reversals.   He has performed hundreds of microscopic reversals since the opening of our center.

vasectomy reversal operating room
Surgery Center Accreditation Certificate

Having your urological procedure done at our Ambulatory Surgery Center streamlines the process for the patient before, during and after your procedure Parking for your surgery is just outside the door as pictured above. Importantly, anesthesia is administered by certified anesthesiologists in our accredited center. All of the benefits of the procedure you need without the hassle of going to a large hospital. 

Vasectomy consultations can be scheduled by phone (770-535-0000) or using the contact form below. Vasectomy reversal consultations are free and  also scheduled by phone or using the form. (Most reversal patients are from out of town and commonly necessitates the phone consultation.)

Vasectomy Reversal Logo
Dr. John McHugh in operating room.